The UA Foundation’s staff and operations are managed by an executive team, with President & CEO John-Paul Roczniak at the head. A volunteer board of trustees is responsible for governance, including policies and procedures. The National Leadership Council is another volunteer group that supports UA advancement efforts.
Executive Leadership
UA Foundation President & CEO John-Paul Roczniak also serves as vice president of development and chief development officer for the UA. Roczniak has managed the university’s fundraising efforts since 2016.
Board of Trustees
Members of the UA Foundation’s board of trustees are business and civic leaders who offer valuable insights into the foundation’s development efforts. Members serve on committees and lead other volunteers in fulfilling their roles as champions of the university and the foundation.
National Leadership Council
National Leadership Council members include past members of the UA Foundation Board of Trustees and other leaders who are passionate about supporting the UA’s advancement. The National Leadership Council facilitates advocacy and philanthropic support for the university.